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WHAT we do
WHY we do it
HOW we do it
WHAT we do
TRUST is a market-leading engineering and project management company in the pharmaceutical industry. We see it as our main purpose, to create strong work environments based on trust, where everyone can thrive and always be themselves, so the common potential is fully released.
In TRUST we do things differently and we are passionately focused on people, equipment and technology and on linking it all together. We consider it a central objective in all that we do, to keep both focus on the details and the holistic perspective of the life cycle of a pharmaceutical project.
This we do by creating the best possible framework for dedicated teamwork. We take responsibility for common tasks, involve all those we work with, and always respect all their inputs. In this way, we ensure that people working on our projects can thrive and give their best.
We excel in comprehensive automation and IT pharmaceutical projects and are specialized in planning, managing and executing all of the aspects involved. We always make objective decisions based on data and continuously improve all results.
Managing automation and IT pharmaceutical projects is a complex discipline that is about defining and optimizing the links between people, equipment and technology. This is our core skill. We therefore see ourselves as the missing link in the projects specialized in helping clients translate between different professional groups.
WHY and HOW we do it
We believe our core purpose is to create trust-based work environments, so that everyone can thrive and always be themselves, and the common potential be fully released. This goes when we work with our colleagues and employees in TRUST and when we work with clients and all the individuals and partners involved in our projects.
When it comes to employees we translate this into action by doing all we can to create the best possible teamwork environment. We involve and engage everyone as much as possible and respect and listen to all different inputs. We consistently delegate independence and autonomy and strive for our employees to always feel they can thrive and give their best.
And when it comes to creating trust-based work environments with clients we always aim for long-term and sustainable customer relationships. Here too we involve and engage everyone as much as possible and respect and listen to all different inputs. We firmly believe in the best in other people´s actions and always practice fair-play and treat everyone equal and with respect.
We take responsibility for common tasks with our clients, and we put honesty and openness above all. Also, when it comes to delivering delicate project news and challenges.
History and Background
Michael Elsborg Andreasen and Mads Mejer Nielsen founded TRUST GMP ApS in 2018. After each of us having worked for 20 years within automation and IT in global pharmaceutical companies and numerous times together on various pharmaceutical projects, we knew that we shared fundamental values, work ethics and complimented each other's different strengths, competencies and weaknesses.
Furthermore, we also shared a longing to do things differently and to offer a new kind of service to pharmaceuticals. A service that is equally passionate about people, equipment and technology. And additionally, on that is strongly committed to uniting different disciplines and people of complex technology projects.
On this basis, we founded TRUST and created a new approach where people can always be their best possible selves so that the best common potential is released, and the best results therefore achieved.
This goes for both our employees and our clients and aims at creating trust-based work environments for both.
When it comes to employees, involvement, respect and delegation are keystones, so all employees always feel they can thrive and give their best. And when it comes to our clients, we always seek to create trust through long-term and sustainable relations with honesty, integrity and diligence.
We have and are continuously growing. Not least in numbers of employees. And to accommodate the growing group of staff we established a new office in 2023.
Management & Contact
Michael Elsborg Andreasen
Founder and Senior Project Manager
Tel: +45 3048 5669
Trust GMP ApS
Head quarter Vandtårnsvej 62A, 1. sal, E, 30
2860 Søborg
CVR/VAT #: 3975 6277
Bank: Skjern Bank A/S
Reg. no.: 7780
Account no.: 0000388439
IBAN: DK2077800000388439
Phone: +45 3048 5669
Further addresses:
Trust GMP Furesøparkalle 22, DK-3460 Birkerød
Trust GMP Skovgade 5, DK-7321 Gadbjerg
Mads Mejer Nielsen
Founder and Senior Project manager
Tel: +45 6171 7139
Novo Nordisk A/S
Novo Nordisk Pharmatech A/S
Bavarian Nordic A/S
Capgemini Danmark
Xellia Pharmaceutical ApS
Ambu A/S
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